Even more clarity about IJsselmeer hospitals next week Now


Conservatives of failing hospitals IJsselmeer hope to be able to clarify early next week whether a restart of hospitals is possible. That's what the hospital group said on Wednesday

. They say that they are still arguing with "several serious candidates" who have a plan for such a go-around.

It was already clear that at least ten parties had registered for a – full or partial – acquisition. Administrators have the last word on the choice of hospitals.

Since it is not certain that a restart is possible, the recipients also prepare a sizing plan in which the activities are progressively removed.

to ensure patient safety, "say curators.According to a spokesperson, quick action is needed." So we do not have to do everything last week if a restart is not sure. Not possible. "

Minister Bruno Bruins (Medical Care) has already stated that, if necessary, he would earn money to allow a restart.

External Research on Hospitals

An independent external investigation will be conducted on the bankruptcies of the hospitals MC Slotervaart and MC IJsselmeer, Minister Bruno Bruins said Wednesday in a letter to the House of Representatives.

The results of the research will be exactly what is the research, and the authors of the research will be announced at the end of the month.

The House of Representatives has strongly criticized the lack of control of the minister.In the case of Lelystad, the Bruins claim to "do the max a great deal of effort "to preserve not only basic care, but also acute care such as emergency care and obstetric care.

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