Examination questions on the test of legality of drugs in the workplace Indoor


VDL Nedcar was in the news when this year's alcohol and alcohol testing revealed that 300 employees were under the influence. They had used drugs or more than 0.5% alcohol in the blood

Regular tests were introduced this year after rumors of drug trafficking at the workplace. Special escorts have checked with drug addict dogs at the entrance and exit of the Nedcar factory. If a dog started, the employee in question was asked to give him glue to the cheek or to do a breath test. Employees who refused to cooperate were sent home that day. "It's very contradictory," says Wijers. "On the one hand, an employer must ensure a safe workplace.We are very pleased that VDL Nedcar did it.The factory has many moving parts, which can be very dangerous if staff under influence moves in the workshop.On the other hand, you are still in the privacy of employees. "

Also read: A workplace full of alcohol and drugs [19659004WijersasksVDLNedcartocometothetablenextweektodiscusstheissueInadditionthefederalofficialwantstoknowifthetestscanbedoneLastyeartheenergycompanyUniperwassponsoredbytheDutchdataprotectionauthoritybecausethedrugtestscarriedoutonstaffviolatedthelawontheprotectionofpersonaldata[Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens].

for employees who have been sent home, "says Wijers

.VDL's chairman of the board, Jean Wouters, Nedcar, does not want to answer and refers VDL Nedcar for an answer. VDL Nedcar, "the employees subscribe to this approach and the policy is coordinated with the board of the participation." VDL Nedcar applies a policy of zero tolerance.

In Born itself, the atmosphere is dark. Nedcar slowly empties himself yesterday afternoon A gray-bearded man is furiously heading for his car "The press must learn to count. If you take half of the three hundred employees interviewed, you will not come near the seven thousand who work here. It is now as if everyone was drinking and sniffing here. Ridiculous! "

Sniff in the break

One of the few women employed also thinks that the tumult is" bloated. "" I've never seen with colleagues that they've been drinking or snorting during the hours working. Moreover, I have never heard anything about it. "A male colleague is in agreement." And this is mainly due to the strict control of last year. Many people have since been thrown away. At the time, I sometimes heard a pinch in the break at this colleague. But now, all of this is so bad. "

In Born, the Mini and the BMW X1 are manufactured, BMW, owner of both brands, considers the case as" an internal problem at VDL. "About half of the 7,000 employees work flexibly.

"We are the reflection of society," said Paul van Vuren, CEO of VDL Nedcar. "We regret that our society is considered a place where alcohol and drugs are normal. This is obviously not the case. Thanks to our strict policy and our controls, we make every effort to minimize the inconvenience. Safety always before. "

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