The D66 and VVD government parties are not satisfied with Blokhuis State Secretary of Public Health's plans to provide assistance to unwanted pregnant women and girls.
Blokhuis does not want to exclude aid providers from government grants affiliated with anti-abortion organizations such as De week. of Life and the Association for the Protection of the Unborn Child (VBOK). The humanitarian organization Siriz, for example, was born in the VBOK and supports De week van het leven
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MP D66 does not believe that health care providers affiliated with these organizations can lead Neutral supportive interviews with unwanted pregnant women. "The intention of these organizations is to show that" ending life "is unacceptable."
VVD MP Tellegen does not believe it either. "If you, as a woman, face such a difficult and personal choice, you have the right to receive neutral and objective information," she said. "The Secretary of State wants us to be confident that VBOK's anti-abortion stance will not prevent Siriz's talks from being neutral, so I am absolutely not convinced of that."
Earlier, the deputies appointed Ellemeet (GroenLinks) and Ploumen's objection (PvdA). Ellemeet finds that the work of some organizations is unethical. "The abortion is described as a brutal murder on The Week of Life's website, and if it does not send, I do not know it either."
The ChristenUnie, Party Secretary Blokhuis, and the SGP I think that organizations with a certain point of view can also propose talks on subsidized aids. Together with Siriz and "Scream for Life", both parties support the Week of Life. They believe that women have enough freedom of choice. Van der Staaij, SGP leader, said: "It took a long time for Siriz and other organizations to be suspected." . "We have set the bar higher than ever." He understands the disadvantages and anguish of a part of the lower house about Siriz. "I'm negotiating with Siriz about protecting life and how they express it, and these expressions do not contribute to our agreement." There is an additional requirement for humanitarian organizations, which must prevent any influence by an anti-abortion position. VVD, D66, GroenLinks and PvdA together have 75 seats out of 150, but it is not yet clear whether the motion will specify it.
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