EZK wants a minimum speed for mobile networks


State Secretary Mona Keijzer wants mobile operators to offer minimal coverage. The conditions for this are set at the next multi-band auction in late 2019 and early 2020. That's what Keijzer says in a letter to the second chamber in which he explains the action plan for connectivity digital.

In the coming months, the exact height will be determined on the basis of further research, says Keijzer. This level is then recorded in the previously announced Mobile Communications Memorandum. It is not clear whether the minimum height will apply to any mobile technology or only to the frequencies to be auctioned in multiband auctions – 700 MHz, 1400 MHz and 2100 MHz.

Yesterday, Telecompaper reported that the above-mentioned coverage requirement – 98 percent of all Dutch municipalities – some substantial exceptions. All Natura 2000 areas are excluded from the funding requirement. Under the term Natura 2000, the most important nature reserves have been identified throughout the European Union, with the obligation to protect them. The Netherlands has more than 160 Natura 2000 sites, reports Alterra, which is part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

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