Facebook discovers a new campaign of influence VS


Facebook discovered a campaign of political influence in the run-up to US congressional elections in November. The company has removed dozens of accounts, reports Tuesday the company

. Facebook says to be at an early stage of an investigation. The company writes in a press release to have "32 pages and deleted accounts" from Facebook and Instagram to prevent foreign interference in US elections.

According to Facebook and the US security services, Russia tried to influence the US elections in 2016 by posting social media messages and ads.

According to Facebook, the new campaign of influence is not clear. . Facebook writes that no tangible evidence has yet been found that the accounts are connected to the Internet Research Agency, a "troll factory" in Sint-Petersbrug. However, Facebook writes that "some of the activity corresponds to what we saw before and after the 2016 elections of the IRA". It's striking that some of the current accounts were carrying an anti-Trump message, while the 2016 campaign of influence sent more pro-trump messages to the world. (NRC)

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