Facebook suspends the big data company again


Facebook on Friday suspended an American data company that resells social media data on a large scale to governments. In addition, the company, Crimson Hexagon, may have violated agreements with Facebook on the use of data, reports The Wall Street Journal .

In their own words, the company has collected more than a trillion of public posts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Crimson Hexagon, based in Boston, would work for a non-profit organization with ties to the Kremlin. He also reportedly raised more than $ 800,000 (about 680,000 euros) in projects for various US government agencies and was reportedly given a mission by the Turkish government.

Insiders said earlier The Wall Street Journal that the company was reselling the data without Facebook's approval. In their own words, the social platform was not aware of this and wants to discuss the allegations with representatives of Crimson Hexagon in the coming days. The data society itself says that she has never collected any private data and that she respects the agreements with Facebook

Abuse Cambridge Analytica

The number strongly recalls the scandal concerning Cambridge Analytica. The controversial British data company has sold data to tens of millions of Facebook users, who have been used, among others, for the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

Since then, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been trying to limit the damage and restore consumer confidence. The social platform promised to investigate the large-scale abuse has been abused by Cambridge Analytica and other companies.

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