"Fatale Lion Air Hooded Collision Equipment" | Overseas


That is what Dutch aviation expert Benno Baksteen, retired captain of the KLM, says. According to him, according to Brick, a shelter or stall is created if the speed of an aircraft is too low at takeoff, so that the aircraft does not have enough air pressure under the wings to stay in the air. "It's a real crisis management, because the aircraft suddenly falls out of the air uncontrollably.The mastery of this threat requires optimal pilot skills."

The Jakarta security authorities announced yesterday at the conclusion of a preliminary investigation that the speedometer of the aircraft was already down for a few flights. "If the instruments no longer give the correct indications and the drivers know that they can not be interpreted correctly, there may be a death threat," says Baksteen.

The problem has been solved, but apparently not enough. That's why the airline is attacked by surviving parents.

The 189 passengers were killed in an internal flight during the accident occurred at sea, fifteen minutes after departure. According to eyewitnesses, passengers on the previous flight between Bali and Jakarta were already terrified by the extremely variable differences in speed and height of the aircraft.

Lion Air and Boeing wish to first wait for the end of the investigation to be able to draw the conclusions of the accident. would have occurred in less than a minute. The 737MAX, which had just been delivered from the factory just two months ago, collapsed quickly under the black box and burst in contact with seawater.

According to Baksteen, the big question is to what extent the pilots were aware of the fatal problem. "This should be clear in advance in procedures and documentation, but unfortunately they sometimes leave a lot to be desired in aviation." Brick is waiting for reading black boxes containing crucial information about the exact cause of the accident. # 39; accident.

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