Fiji runs for Meghan and Harry | Entertainment


Immediately after getting off the plane with his wife, Harry inspected an honorary guard of 100 Fijian soldiers. Then, the Sussex got into the car for a brief meeting with the president Jioji Konrote . On the side of the road, thousands of people wave their hands and applaud in front of the couple.

Even when Harry and Meghan were traveling to Albert Park, where a traditional welcome ceremony had taken place, they were applauded by thousands of Fijians. Veiqaraqaravi Vakavanua, rich in songs and dances, brought 15,000 spectators to Albert Park. Harry and Meghan have received several gifts, including a roast pig and a sperm whale tooth, a sign of wealth in the archipelago. The local drink, kava, was traditionally offered to Harry. Under public acclaim, the prince took a sip of this slightly anesthetic drink. "The Duchess and I can not wait to meet many of you," said Harry after the welcome ceremony. There, Harry and Meghan greeted several hundred residents of the balcony, just as did the Queen Elizabeth and the Prince Philip in 1953. More Late in the evening, during President Konrote's dinner to the couple, Harry returned in his speech on the balcony stage, which lasted thirty seconds. The prince said the visit to Fiji was "particularly nostalgic" for him and Meghan as a newlywed couple because his grandparents had stayed at the Grand Pacific Hotel several times.

"Fiji is known around the world for its natural beauty and hospitality and we are very pleased that we can be your guest for part of our trip," said Harry. Meghan impressed during her dinner with her choice of clothes: a bright blue dress of the designer SAFiYAA . According to the British press, the dress was clearly visible at the beginning of the duchess's baby belly. Harry and Meghan wait for their first child in spring

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