Filip and Mathilde commemorate in London Entertainment


The commemoration took place for 84 years on the Saturday preceding the Belgian national holiday. This time at the Horse Guards Parade in the British capital.

For the Belgian royal couple, there was something completely different on Saturday afternoon. Because they could not be back home, they followed the finals of the World Cup Belgium against England in London. "Give one last time all!", The court tweeted on behalf of Filip and Matt hilde. The photo shows that both are watching the game on a big screen.

The Red Devils finally won 2-0 with the match, getting the bronze medal.

The royal couple had a visit The British capital also seized the British Queen Elizabeth . The Belgian court shared a photo Saturday with social media on which all three pose.

Elizabeth received the Belgian royal couple at Windsor Castle, a day after the state visit by US President Donald Trump . Where Friday did not have a smile on the occasion of the official photo, Elizabeth shines this time between Filip and Mathilde

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