Finally new destination for the Land Van Ooit Land


Who was not there? Het Land van Ooit: the theme park where the kids were the boss. In 2007, the Kloontje site went bankrupt and the Kloontje site seemed much less magical.

Finally, there is a new destination for the Heusden site: a large medical campus starting next year. [19659003] Investigations and Analyzes

Entrepreneur Jan Kelders, who bought the land after the bankruptcy, signed an agreement with the municipality on plans for part of the land on Thursday. The amount of the contractor's expenses for the land has not yet been announced.

There will be medical research on campus, people can also get a health scan. "From my own experience, I know how important it is for you to know in time of a possible illness," Kelders said. In the entrepreneur, two cancers were discovered at an early stage through preventive research.

But is it allowed?

Preventive analyzes and investigations are controversial. Thorough checks of the body, as it should be, are not legally allowed in the Netherlands. The Health Council warned in 2015 against a report on the inconveniences

which would detect gaps that would not cause any problems if they had not been discovered. Incorrect positive results can also lead to further research that is not really necessary. If more people end up seeing a specialist after such a premature check, the costs of care can increase and the pressure can also increase.

But Kelders believes that a timely diagnosis is not only good for the patient, but also reduces the cost of care. He is hoping for a legislative amendment. For example, the Dutch who want such a sweep are still going to Germany, for example.

The Pink Castle

The guided tour of the desert (and yet a little spooky) is soon over. Land van Ooit

The municipality is satisfied with this. When the park went bankrupt, Heusden bought the land for 15 million euros. After the buyer has not found a buyer for years, this land has become expensive because of its upkeep and its interest.

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