First big update for Super Street: the game is a fact


Super Street: The game is now out, but unfortunately the game did not get a good score during our review. There were just too many problems with this driver, but the developer promised improvements. Based on reviews and comments from the community, they have started working again and the first major update is now available.

This first update brings different gameplay changes and a number of new features. The most important changes concern car physics, engine sounds and AI. For details, refer to the overview below.

Game adjustments

  • Main information relating to automobile physics (understeer / oversteer, parking brake, downward support, etc.)
  • Rebalancing of artificial intelligence
  • New controller presentation – new entry for nitrous
  • Improvements in reverse functionalities
  • Automatic reappearance when the car is upside down

Correction of

  • Portuguese locator error
  • Problems related to motor volume / music

New items

  • ] Easy Restart Function in the Quarry
  • Ability to Hide Crew Members in the Garage
  • Ability to Change Motion Blur
  • New Sounds Motorized Motor
  • Localization Implemented for Simplified Chinese
  • Improved Visual Quality of Car Parts
  • Update to UE 4.20 [1 9659020] He will not stay here. In the future, the game will receive more updates to make it even better. We report this when we publish another major update.

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