First man | | News from the Hoogeveen region


After the successful launch of La La Land at the Oscars, Oscar-winning director Damien Chazelle and Ryan Gosling are working on the new feature film FIRST MAN. The first man recounts the captivating story of NASA's mission to send astronauts to the moon and is mainly interested in Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) from 1961 to 1969. First Man is based on James R.'s eponymous book. Hansen. The penetrating film shows what Armstrong and the United States achieve one of the most dangerous missions in history. Plus with Claire Foy (The Crown, The Girl in the Spider Web), Jason Clarke (Everest, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) and Kyle Chandler (Argo, Friday Night Lights). The screenplay was written by Josh Singer (Spotlight), an Oscar winner, and the production is in the hands of Wyck Godfrey & Marty Bowen (The Twilight Saga, The Fault to Our Stars) and their production company Temple Hill Entertainment, as well as Chazelle and Gosling. Isaac Klausner (The fault of our stars) acts as executive producer. The film is co-financed by Amblin Entertainment

. Note: The film can be presented with an age index greater than 9 years in the corresponding program.

Reading time:
Drama series
141 minutes
Damien Chazelle
Ryan Gosling, Claire Foy, Kyle Chandler and Jason Clarke

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Impressive! This is the first thing I thought about after watching this movie. Look, the clue of this movie has long been history. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins flying on the moon with the Apollo 11. Buzz and Neil then land on the moon, after which Neil Armstong pronounces the legendary words: "It's a small step for a man, a step giant for humanity ".

What is far less known is that these men and their colleagues have endured their attempts to reach the moon first. And what is even less known, is how their family life was handled so that this father was an astronaut. What does it mean for the woman and the children who are staying?

First Man gives a fascinating and fascinating insight into these two worlds behind the success of the moon landing.
The way of filming is also fascinating. At first, the players are filmed very closely, which allows you to touch the tension. Ryan Gosling plays an introverted, introverted Neil Armstrong and Claire Foy his wife. Wonderful, as they describe their roles and how, as husband and wife, they face the tragedy of their private lives and the tension of the lunar mission.

First Man also shows several aspects of the race for the moon. What we consider to be a matter of prestige is the first and therefore allows us to stay ahead of the Russians, it is a waste of extra money from taxes.

The film takes you back immediately and I look out of breath. The break could have been skipped for me! Highly recommended if you want to take a look behind the scenes of the race for the moon.

& # 39; First Man & # 39; tells the story of the first man on the moon – Neil Armstrong – in a way very different from that of Hollywood movies. Subjugated, largely shot on old 16mm film and through Neil's eyes. You see what Neil sees when he goes through space, a lot of incomprehensible handles and flashing lights in his cabin and only a small window for the outside view. Listen to what Neil hears when the G forces master everything he's part of at that time. And feels what he feels, sometimes claustrophobically

"The first man" is only the fourth film ( more recently is "La la Land" ) young and talented director Damien Chazelle. Ryan Gosling ( The Oscar nominations for "Half Nelson" and "The Land" ) convinces as Neil Armstrong and Claire Foy ( Queen Elizabeth II in "The Crown" ) plays The role of his wife Janet

What? First Man & # 39; shows in particular, it is the tremendous perseverance of people to reach their ultimate goal. And how this first landing on a moon was ingeniously intelligent. Beautiful atmospheric images are supported by the beautiful film music of Justin Hurwitz.

Five stars for First man, a very beautiful long place and for the first time a little feeling to have landed on the moon as a movie lover. [19659020] [ad_2]
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