Flemish museums angry at Facebookban on naked | Overseas


Facebook recently removed an image of the 30,000-year-old fertility statue, Venus van Willendorf. Peter Paul Rubens' Descent from the Cross was not shown, because Jesus is completely naked on his loincloth.

According to the VRT, censorship is a thorn in the foot of Tourism Flanders, that with the Flemish Masters project three million people want to go to Flanders in the next two years. In this way, it is difficult to advertise via Facebook for "the wonderful brushstrokes" of Rubens, Pieter Bruegel or Jan van Eyck. "

" Offensive. This is the word used to describe the breasts, buttocks and cherubs of Peter Paul Rubens. Not by us, but by you, "write the directors of the great Flemish museums, who are hoping for a conversation with Zuckerberg around a cup of coffee or" a refreshing Belgian beer. "" Art brings people together, just like social media.

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