Foreign truckers still take too little rest, more than 100 fines were distributed


It is compulsory for drivers traveling on European roads since this year, after a decision of the European Court of Justice, to spend at least 45 hours a week outside their cabin

. at the same time, competition between transport companies would become healthier.

The Transportation Inspectorate started an information campaign in January and informed the drivers by leaflets in different languages ​​in all major service centers

of this campaign. The number of hours of rest should also be subject to stricter supervision, notably by seeking cooperation with the transport sector Rijkswaterstaat and the Association of Netherlands Municipalities

" Together we want to focus on the working conditions of drivers from Eastern Europe. They are often away from home for a long time and spend their weekends in their vehicles on the Dutch car parks. "

More accidents

The figures of Stimva, Stichting Incident Management Vrachtwagens, show that the number of accidents the trucks had been heavily involved in last year. Last year, there was a small number of 1500.

40% of these accidents involved a foreign truck driver.

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