Former winner Nibali leaves the Tour de France with a broken spine | NOW


The results appeared Thursday after search at the hospital, the team reports to various media. Nibali himself confirms on Twitter that his turn is over. "I'll be back tomorrow for a recovery period, thanks for all the good messages and see you next year."

The winner of the 2014 Tour was examined at the hospital after an accident in the last few kilometers on a motorcyclist who reduced his speed.

The Italian crawled on his bike with pain and reached seventh place, thirteen seconds from stage winner Geraint Thomas.


Nibali was in the fourth place ranking. The leader of Bahrain-Merida had a delay of 2.37 minutes on Thomas. After Richie Porte and Rigoberto Urán he is the third classification rider who leaves the Tour prematurely.


Nibali complains after rolling over the pain in his lower back. the arrival at the mobile medical center. The scans that were done there, however, did not specify when there was a break.

According to team doctor Emilio Magni, however, Nibali had so much pain that he was rushed to the hospital. There was news that the management of the team feared confirmed.

The 33-year-old driver himself was not optimistic just after the finish. "It was a hard blow and I was not able to get up immediately, but I really do not like it, I hope it is not serious, but it 's not a big deal. is an expectation. "

The Tour de France takes place Friday continue with an almost flat ride on 169.5 kilometers from Bourg d'Oisans to Valencia. It seems like a turn for the remaining sprinters.

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