Forza Ninove takes initiative and seeks more … (Ninove)


  Forza Ninove takes initiative and seeks the majority.

Photo: Marc Herremans – Mediahuis

Ninove –

MP Vlaams Belang, Guy D haeseleer, prepares negotiations in Ninove for a majority of management in leg power. He confirms this to the editors of Het Nieuwsblad Online. "The voter has clearly expressed his preference and I hope to be able to get out before January."

D'haeseleer, as the leader of Forza Ninove last Sunday, got 40% of the votes in Ninove, good for 15% of the vote. the 33 places. As a Belanger Fleming, however, it is very difficult to achieve a majority in Ninove. Especially after the election night, D & # 39; haeseleer's Facebook posts were racist.

The N-VA, with two seats, was the ideal coalition partner for D & # 39; haeseleer, but President Bart De Wever announced Sunday night, after reading a controversial article on Facebook, that the possibility of A collaboration in Ninove & # 39; sub-zero "was. After several days of confusion, the N-VA Ninove officially announced that it would not form a coalition with Forza Ninove and would even opted resolutely for the

"Takes His Responsibilities"

appears to be a coalition without Forza Ninove excluded.The other two parties, Open VLD and Samen, respectively won 9 and 7 seats and did not So the only feasible majority will be one with Forza Ninove, and D & # 39; haeseleer confirms that he is preparing the talks to that effect. "I have not yet started any concrete negotiations, but I prepare them ", confirms D & # 39; haeseleer

" But I want to do it discreetly. I hope we will have a new municipal government from here on January 1st. This means that I have time until the end of December, so many things can happen. "

" Guy received a clear signal from the voter with this 40%. He assumes his responsibilities, "confirmed Vlaams Belang chairman Tom Van Grieken, in front of De Zevende Dag.Van Grieken did not want to get into the matter of negotiations with the parties." It's the best way to immediately blow the success of these conversations. "" But you understand that a collaboration with the left wing would be totally incredible. I will not mislead my constituents by accompanying them. "

However, the chances that he will get a majority with the Open VLD of the current mayor, Tania De Jonge, are also low." Bart Somers, Mayor of Open VLD in Mechelen, said repeated at De Zevende Dag that his party would cooperate with the Vlaams Belang nowhere in Flanders. "I called Bart Somers to get involved in Mechelen and not to speak on behalf of the Ninovieters. They clearly kept their preference on Sunday. The Somers must respect democracy. "

Flemish parliamentarian Annick De Ridder repeated that her N-VA only wanted to consult opposition files at Ninoof City Council or support a possible minority management of Forza Ninove." But let D & # 3939; haeseleer do his thing first. We were punished in Ninove and choose resolutely and clearly for the opposition. But we do not want Ninove to become ungovernable either. "

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