Frenkie de Jong comes with confirmation: FC Barcelona wants to hire him


Frenkie de Jong confirms that he is interested in FC Barcelona. The 20-year-old Ajax midfielder has been questioned regularly about the interest of the Catalans over the last period, but he's still being held on the ground. Now he admits it.

The Spaniards have been receiving Frenkie de Jong for breakfast for months, because the Ajax player is on the front page in Spain almost every day. As a result, everyone was aware of the interest of Barcelona, ​​only the protagonist did not want to admit it. Until Wednesday night

"I am only one Ajax player, I can not say much about it right now, there is of course some interest, everyone knows it, as I said: I am an Ajax player, "confirms De Jong shortly before Voetbal International. He did not want to lose much more.

De Jong received many Spanish messages about him. "At first it's nice, but little by little I think: pff, now he does not need me anymore. They can write what they want, this n & # 39; Is not me, but now it's no longer that I think: ah, well. "

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