Gaviria thinks some riders are taking too much risk in Tour | NOW


Gaviria won the yellow jersey on Saturday by winning the first stage, but a day later he was one of the riders who went to the ground two kilometers before the finish. The Quick-Step Floors rider could no longer connect and saw Sagan sprint to victory and the yellow jersey.

It's already the second step in a row that the last stage is characterized by falls. Gaviria, who crossed the finish line in La Roche-sur-Yon as the 28th rider, thinks some riders are taking too much risk in the race for success.

"I am also willing to take risks, many more risks and that is also the reason why there are so many falls," says 23-year-old Colombian Sunday against Cycling News . "It's a difficult situation, because it's a bit of a bike."

According to Gaviria, it was impossible to avoid runners fallen before him. "J & # 39; I saw someone go down in the corner and could not prevent me from going to ground myself, but I'm already very happy to have nothing serious and finish. "[19659005] Deterrence

Although Gaviria Sunday fell hard, let the leader of the youth rankings in the wake of the Tour not be discouraged. "If you are afraid of going to the ground, you will not win anything, I think we should all be prepared for an accident nowadays. "

Gaviria, who is now six seconds behind Sagan in the overall standings He is sorry table that he lost the Tour's head after one day

"We knew it would be over once, but of course we would have preferred the yellow jersey for a few more days. I have benefited fully and who knows, this Tour will have new opportunities. "

On Monday, a team time trial is scheduled for the first time in the Tour in 2015. A day later, it is again time for the sprinters.

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