"Of course, it is disappointing to find that few professional amateurs still dare to joke about Islam, which is the politically correct terror of today," he said. said Cox. However, he will not keep his mouth shut. "I'm not really going to think: oh, it's a little sacred house, I have to stay away from that because there are little sacred houses to knock them over." This is an artist who has an opinion. "And they are few, because most of them are afraid of their supporters, the press or anything."
Gerard is not afraid to give his opinion when he tackles several sensitive issues. Like Pim Fortuyn, he finds that Islam is a backward desert religion. He calls the men of the political party DENK the creepers and creepers. And the party of Sinterklaas is spoiled by a small club. "If they want to worry about slavery several centuries later, they have to travel to those Arab states, to Qatar, where football is enough for the World Cup, where the stadiums are built by slaves from Nepal and the Philippines. " [19659002] But Gerard "can not be reunited in his old age, because of such a scary club that has made a business to accuse everyone of racism, like Sylvana Simons … A worthless hat. "According to The Then, luck was still a very ordinary star, there is no racism in the Netherlands. "If you do your best here, you can become everything, whether you are white or black." And if you can not stand a joke, you have to live somewhere else, thinks Cox.
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