German coalition reaches agreement on stricter asylum policy Abroad


The proposal agreed that the process for asylum seekers would be dealt with more quickly under the Dublin Regulation. New immigration legislation will also be developed before the end of the year. It regulates the number of foreign migrant workers

Andrea Nahles, leader of the Social Democratic Party SPD, said that there are no camps where migrants are detained at the border. Instead, existing complexes of the German police are used for the return of migrants. In these so-called transfer centers, it is determined within a maximum of 48 hours whether anyone is allowed to stay, as previously agreed by the CDU and the CSU

Horst Seehofer, Bavarian Minister for Inside, it is declared satisfied afterwards. According to him, it is "from A to Z" as he would like.

With the agreement, the crisis seems to have been swept away in German politics. The SPD governs with the Christian Democrats CDU and CSU. The latter two complain about the migration policy that Seehofer wants to implement and reached an agreement on Tuesday. The SPD also had to look into it

Seehofer played high conflict and even threatened with boarding. He is for a strict asylum policy. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) believes that the problem of migration must be tackled at European level. She received the support of the SPD

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