GGD Utrecht studies the consequences of the tram stop 24 Oktoberplein


The Utrecht GGD will study the influence of the 24 October attack on those directly or indirectly affected. More than sixty victims and hearing witnesses were asked to cooperate in the investigation.

Four people were killed in the March 18 attack. Several people were injured when Gökmen fired on a tramway and around it.

"The municipality has an obligation to provide follow-up after such incidents," said Nicolette Rigter, director of public health, at RTV Utrecht. "The GGD needs to look at how the assistance has evolved and how things are going after.The municipality wants to know it because it feels involved, but also because it wants to see if everything okay. "

Victims and witnesses were contacted through the Public Prosecution Service and victim assistance. They were asked by letter if they wanted to cooperate. GGD researchers are also coming. "We will do one-on-one interviews, and then we'll see if people get the care they really need," says Rigter. "We do this, among other things, by asking for information from the general practitioner, if people give us permission."

If it turns out that people need more help during the investigation, they will also receive it, says Rigter. The survey takes about a year. The data is also important for any future incidents. "We really want to know what the situation is with this group, so that a municipality can take action and act as good government," said Rigter.


The municipality of Utrecht, the GGD and other organizations regularly with fictional disaster situations. According to Rigter, this paid off, even on March 18th. "The first ambulance unit was on site in the space of a few minutes and we also quickly set up three mobile medical teams in the air," she says. "In no time, other ambulances were ready in the neighborhood."

Immediately after the attack, the municipality of Utrecht launched a follow-up program. For example, all victims and their relatives were named to a family detective and a Victim Support case manager. Victim support was also arranged for all those involved immediately after the attack.


T. announced that he was responsible for the attack and that he was acting alone. More than ten people have reported it. He is charged with multiple murder or manslaughter motivated by terrorism.

On July 1, the case is tried for the first time. The background case will follow later.

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