Glennis confirms its break with US management Entertainment


Glennis written to be totally surprised. "I saw tonight, to my surprise on RTL Boulevard, a mail that my ex-US management sent me, and then apparently to Boulevard." For the sake of clarity, I want to confirm that I do not works more with them. "

She continues:" By "unorthodox situation" we mean the separation we had made between the Benelux and the rest of the world, which they did not interfere with my career in Benelux Incidentally, this is not unusual and it is important for me to be able to continue to focus on the Netherlands, despite my dreams and international ambitions.This has always been agreed. "

In addition, Glennis says that she does not find it "very professional", but she is hopeful. "Fortunately, I can discuss conversations in the US I simply take over and I immediately see that if a door closes somewhere else, another opens", says the singer who pushed it very far in the talent show America's Got Talent .

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