Go Holiday Switch Review – Slack of Wii Sports Resort?


HOLIDAY, yes! We are ready for that. The word vacation in GO Vacation, has attracted enough attention to see what this game has in store. After the GO Vacation Switch review, it becomes clear if it's a real vacation game.

Imagine a beautiful warm beach. In front of you is the sea where you can swim or sail with your boat. When you have cooled by the delicious water, step on your team to cross the beach. When you have explored a beautiful resort, it's time to immerse yourself in many mini-games.

A great collection

GO Vacation starts the holiday season. This means that you can start cooking with lots of outdoor activities instead of lying on the beach. So you can jump on a surfboard to control wild waves, race on a water scooter or play an intensive game of beach volleyball. If you are allergic to the sport, it's your chance to exercise without having to sweat yourself.

In total you get more than fifty different sports, which you can play one by one in solo collect stamps. If you do not like the solo experience, you can also play the game with your friends or family. In this way, you scuba dive together, try to do each other during a horse race or look for dangerous heights for parachute tours.

 GO Travel Switch Review

The Old 100 Prut in 1

This looks like a nice collection of mini-games, but appearances can be misleading: you can better compare Vacation Go with these old-fashioned collectible cards that contain 100 games in one. You must be convinced by this large number of games, but in reality they are all very short games that are half developed. Sometimes the money, less, is over and this was certainly the case with this 100 Prut in 1-ticket and the slightly comparable Vacation Go.

This is not the first time we have a large collection of mini-games. see upcoming sports. Earlier, for example, the iconic heroes of Mario and Sonic clashed at the Olympic Games. The big difference is that compared to other similar games based on mini-games, GO Vacation mini-games often have no soul. It sounds amazing to see how many mini-games are in the game, but many of these mini-games are undeveloped and quickly lose your attention.

 GO Vacation Switch Review

Mischievous Minigames

is one of the first mini-games where you can run on the water with a scooter for try to reach the finish line first. Not only are you easily in the lead, but it is also very easy to maintain this position. The mini-game does not challenge you at any time and the circuit on which you ride is empty and uninteresting.

The game also allows you to turn a mini-game about scuba diving into a game of hide and seek. swim, so you spot these little beasts too easily. Also beach volleyball is not fun: the only thing you do is press a button to hit the ball. The dolls walk themselves up to the balloon, making it a game of waiting: wait for the ball to come near me.

Because nine times out of ten, no soundtrack is played in the background of these games, there is no form of tension. This shows that there was very little attention to detail when creating the game.

 GO Vacation Switch Review

But who is the target audience?

Similar games like Wii Sports have set the bar very high, as they have given a simple gameplay that could be interesting for the whole family. With GO Vacation it's different: the game is too easy and offers too little challenge. In our opinion, this makes the game interesting only for the smaller players who are learning to use a controller. The question, however, is whether they will immediately understand every mini-game in the game.

The gameplay is not as sophisticated as Wii Sports. There is no explanation about the controls, because you only get them when you pause the game to get to know the controls through the pause menu. Each mini-game has a different control that does not correspond to what you expect after playing other games. For example, if you have just played Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, the control of water scooters is accustomed because the throttle and brakes are completely different from the usual ones

 GO Travel Switch Review

the game

Frustration, boredom and little challenge, sums up much of the game. Some of the mini-games are fun (snowball for example), but in general you do not have fun not a lot. Yet there is one place where you can always have fun: the resort itself. Especially when you are assigned a private villa.

You can also drive through a large hub through various means of transportation to go from one to the other. In the end, there is always the most pleasure in looking at the size of the island. Although the mini-games give the impression that the game must be fully designed in a morning, there are more details in the hub.

In fact, you have the idea in the hub that you are really in a resort. On the other side of the island, there are no playable characters running in the water or standing on the beach. Unlike the fairly static mini-games that complement each other widely, the hub feels much more alive. This makes it more fun to drive through the sand on your team and explore the area. Then you come to the conclusion that it was not the goal of the game: was not it designed as a collection of cool sports mini-games?

 GO Travel Switch Review

19659004] The mini-games should have been the main attraction of this game. On the other hand, none of the mini-games is satisfactory to continue playing a long time. Soon this game has become a low subtraction of Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, where the hub is unfortunately the most entertaining part of the game.

The game seems to be the most appropriate for the youngest, but why should they game must play similar and more elaborate games like Wii Sports Resort for less than a few dollars already playable? GO Vacation has potential, but it now looks like an infusion of a tea bag too often used.

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