Google Home is in store before Christmas


In a video of Google Netherlands in which questions are answered, the company announces that the smart speaker is available for Christmas in the Netherlands.

Google Home availability in the Netherlands

Advertised Android and iOS devices. After a long wait, we can now ask questions in Dutch and give instructions to Google's smart assistant. Google Netherlands also said that the Google assistant does not speak only Dutch, but that he is also Dutch. The functionality and personality are particularly suited to our country – the assistant sings Dutch songs, follows Dutch football and understands that time is very important to us.

Of course, we were also curious about the material that could be used with the Google assistant. Google Netherlands has indicated that the wizard can not yet manage smarthome apps and still does not work on Google Home. Rachid Finge from Google Netherlands explained to Androidworld why: "The Google Assistant for Smart Speakers is slightly different from that of smartphones, which is why the Dutch Google Assistant that we have published for smartphones do not currently work on Google Home. is in the Netherlands, you can put existing Google Home speakers on Dutch. "

Ask Google

We are now at a more precise moment of availability Google's smart speaker in the Netherlands. That said to Rachid Finge himself in a video "Ask Google" on YouTube. To do this, scroll down to 0:59 in the video. Rachid answers a question from Ronald who already has a Google Home Mini. The existing Google Home can in any case be configured in Dutch as soon as the speaker is officially available. You do not have to buy a new one.

But somebody asks if Rachid can be more specific about this availability and he answers: "Before Christmas". So we can buy or give a smart speaker for this year's Christmas.

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