Groenewegen satisfied with his Tour de France itinerary in 2019 | Now


Dylan Groenewegen is satisfied with the schedule of the Tour de France presented in Paris Thursday in Paris.

"There are seven flat steps and that's a lot." Seven sprint chances are enough, "said the Lotto jumbo sprinter in front of the NOS .

Groenewegen thinks in particular of the first stage, in which the runners have to travel 192 km flat to Through Brussels

"Winning this stage becomes an important goal. Then you get the yellow jersey and it's of course an honor to wear it, "he said.

Groenewegen probably does not focus on the green jersey

It is unlikely that Groenewegen focuses on the green jersey, which this year was a mere prey for the Slovak Peter Sagan.

"I have to go through all that, but I think I live mostly for stage wins, the green jersey is in the future. "[19659003] Groenewegen has won three stages of the Tour so far, one in 2017 (the last stage of the Champs-Élysées) and two this year (the seventh and eighth stages). [19659008] [ad_2]
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