GroenLinks launches a petition against secrecy for the allocation of expenses for the European Parliament


The GroenLinks parliamentary group in the European Parliament starts a signature campaign for MPs to declare where they spend their monthly office expenses

GroenLinks, in the European Parliament part of the Greens / EFA fraction, reacts to this decision of the Bureau of Parliament (say the Executive Council) this week to stop opening on the expense properly.

4400 euros per month

The dispute concerns the so-called overhead allowance of 4400 euros each MP gets monthly in addition to his salary. Parliamentarians do not have to account for the expense of this money until now.

The proposals to give more insight were rejected by eight of the fourteen Bureau members on Monday night. Representatives of the Christian Democratic group, to which the CDA and ChristenUnie are affiliated, voted against more openness. Social Democrats Voted Divided


GroenLinks calls it "unprecedented that MEPs do not want to justify spending 40 million euros in European money" and will collect signatures for raise the issue again with the Speaker of Parliament Antonio Tajani. The Greens / EFA group wants a plenary vote on the issue, so that all MEPs can and must express themselves. In addition, she calls on her colleagues to publish their publications and have them checked by an independent accountant.

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