Hacker steals data from hundreds of thousands of newspaper readers


Hundreds of thousands of newspaper subscribers such as AD, Volkskrant and Gelderlander were victims of burglary in an online database of the publisher De Persgroep.

The hacking was discovered last week. De Persgroep then reported that only e-mail addresses had been stolen, but it is now clear that names, addresses and phone numbers have also fallen into the wrong hands.

This is about 350,000 subscribers. In less than 1% of victims, the bank account number is also stolen, suspects the media company.

The data was entered into a system hack behind the online forms. These forms were used in particular for delivery claims and responses to contests.

Letter in the box

In an e-mail sent to 300,000 people concerned, De Persgroep apologized for the theft. No e-mail address is known to 50,000 victims. They will soon receive a letter on the carpet.

A spokesman for De Persgroep says that there is no sign that the stolen data has already been abused and does not expect the hacker to be able to do much. "Residential addresses can also be found in the phone book."

The publisher reported the data breach to the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Reports have also been filed with the police, reports Omroep Gelderland.

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