Half of the Dutch are new nuclear power plants for construction


This is what research shows Peil.nl, the research bureau of Maurice de Hond. The results are in the AD. According to the survey, 46% of respondents are in favor of building new nuclear power plants in the Netherlands, 40% do not see anything in the plan. The remaining 14% did not have any opinion. 56% think nuclear power plants are safe, 34% do not think so

Support for the construction of new plants seems to have increased. De Hond also researched this in 2006. At that time, 40% were in favor and 50% were opposed.


The discussion on new nuclear power plants broke out last week after a call from VVD party chairman Klaas Dijkhoff. Cabinet wants to quickly reach a climate agreement, in which greenhouse gas emissions must be significantly reduced

According to Dijkhoff, nuclear energy with the sun and wind is a good set of measures to achieve the climate goals. He points out that nuclear energy does not emit CO2.

Distributed Stemmers

Of those who voted VVD last year, 71% are for the construction of new nuclear power plants. 59% of CDA voters are positive. This represents 50% of the voters in D66. In the government, D66 and ChristenUnie oppose new power plants.

Among the supporters of GroenLinks, 31% are still in favor, while the PvdA voters only have 15%. Most voters in PVV (58%) and the Forum for Democracy (78) support new nuclear power plants.

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