This is what the AD wrote on the basis of a survey conducted by the pollster Maurice de Hond
According to the survey, 46% of respondents are in favor of the construction new nuclear power plants in the Netherlands and 40% are negative. The remaining 14% did not have any opinion. 56% think nuclear power plants are safe, 34% do not think so
Support for the construction of new plants seems to have increased. De Hond also researched this in 2006. At that time, 40% were in favor and 50% were opposed.
The discussion on new nuclear power plants broke out last week after a call from VVD party chairman Klaas Dijkhoff. According to him, this would be the way to achieve the climate goals.
71% of people who voted VVD last year are for the construction of new nuclear power plants. 59% of CDA voters are positive. This represents 50% of the voters in D66. In the government, D66 and ChristenUnie oppose new power plants.
Among the supporters of GroenLinks, 31% are still in favor, while the PvdA voters only have 15%. Most voters in PVV (58%) and the Forum for Democracy (78) support new nuclear power plants.
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