Heavy rain Japan demands 81 lives abroad


The number of deaths from heavy rains in Japan rose to at least 81. Yesterday, rivers also fell outside their shores, forcing millions to leave their homes, report the media Japanese. Dozens of people are still missing.

Due to torrential rains, parts of southwestern Japan are under water. In some places, three times more rain fell than average throughout the month of July. In addition, some parts of the country are facing landslides.

The city of Kurashiki, with a little less than half a million inhabitants, is the most affected by extreme weather conditions. At least a thousand people are surrounded by high water, about a hundred of them in a hospital. Rescuers try to evacuate people with the help of boats and helicopters.

  An inhabitant of the city of Mabi, in the Japanese province of Kurashiki, wades through the water in the middle of flooded and destroyed homes

The Japanese province of Kurashiki wades in the water in the middle of Flooded and Ruined Homes


,, We have never experienced this kind of rain, "said a spokesman for the Japan Meteorological Agency during a meeting. A press conference About 1965 people were deployed, at least 2 million were evacuated from fears of floods and landslides, and the Emergency Response Service advised to 2.3 million people leaving the area in some areas, the rain stopped and the water level dropped, more than a quarter of the country's prefectures warned of landslides hundreds of homes were damaged.

In the affected area are the Metropolises Fukuoka, Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

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