"Honeymoon in North Korea and the United States seems to be over"


Pompeo claims that working groups are developing denuclearization. But according to North Korea, the US minister has made "unilateral" and "bandit" demands on the dismantling of nuclear weapons. "Analysts warned before the Singapore summit that North Korea has already suspended this denuclearization story." – The Korean expert Casper van der Veen. He is the author of the book The Kim Dynasty on the Communist Country

World Without Nuclear Weapons

According to Van der Veen, North Korea has interpreted denuclearization in various ways in the past. Ranging from the withdrawal of all US troops from South Korea to a world totally free of nuclear weapons. "Now the United States and North Korea are back around the table, but it seems that their wishes are inconsistent.Pyongyang is not in a hurry and finds baskets of time very well."

De Vries and Van der Veen do not think Kim will ever be nuclear weapons will completely give up. These are an indispensable life insurance policy for the North Korean regime. It is therefore not surprising that negotiations with the United States – after a period of rapprochement and shaking hands – are likely to continue. "It seems like the weeks of the honeymoon are over," says Van der Veen.

"We are now exactly at a point where observers from North Korea have hammered from the beginning," says NOS-correspondent De Vries. "There is light between what both sides see as a denuclearization."

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