Hoogeveen suspends talks with Treant – hoogeveenschecourant.nl – News


Hoogeveen – The municipalities of Hoogeveen and De Wolden suspend negotiations with Treant. The mayor 's and aldermen' s conferences contend that Treant wants to push the closure of obstetrics and pediatrics and is not sensitive to the reason. The hope is that the health insurance company Zilveren Kruis will now "finally" take its role.

Alderman Erwin Slomp was clearly upset by Tréant's attitude on Friday afternoon. "The problems with Treant have been going on since 2012. If Treant continues on this road, Bethesda will be just a first aid post, I do not feel like it and I certainly do not want to be an accomplice."

"Closing would be only a formality"

The municipal authorities have reached this stage because they are convinced that the definitive closure of the release – and pediatrics and the l & # 39; Obstetrics is only a formality. "There have been intensive contacts with Treant recently, but no matter what arguments you use or whatever you do, Treant does what he wants. There is no point in staying longer in the conversation. We hope this step will give a signal. "

This signal is then mainly intended for Zilveren Kruis." According to Slomp, this health insurer is the only one with the (financial) power to force Tréant to choose another course, but we do not mean anything about it. Silver Cross in recent weeks either.In the beginning, they reported that the closing of nurseries and pediatric drugs was not advisable and that they were working on an alternative. to be there in two weeks The presentation of this alternative has been postponed a few times with a week and the last five weeks have remained completely silent. "

" This closure has many more consequences "

The closure of the Delivery and pediatrics in Hoogeveen it depends only on the formal approval of the inspection. "I really hope something will change now," says Slomp. "It's really not possible, when these departments will be closed in Hoogeveen, it will have a lot more consequences." We have already heard behind the scenes that the emergency department will also disappear from Hoogeveen, so Bethesda is dismantled. Or do I hope the inspection will scratch your head again because of this development? Honestly, we do not explain that. I want pediatric and pediatric medicine to remain open in Bethesda. Item. "

The announcement of the planned closure of the two departments was a total surprise to the municipal authorities in May." Slomp: "It was May 15. We were with the new college in Dalfsen. At 2:30 pm, the Bethesda case was handed over with only the announcement that Carla van de Wiel could quickly call the departments open. Half an hour later, I received a phone call that Treant would close the departments. That's what Treant does. They go completely at their leisure. "

The board of directors does not want contact

Slomp tried to contact Treant's board of directors, but he announced by e-mail that he" n " was not interested in a conversation with the municipality and all this through the board of directors. "

In addition, the municipality is considering whether a lawsuit can be brought against the decision of Treant de The decision of the board of directors would be legally not quite correct. "Slomp:" Obstetricians can then initiate such a case, but the municipality will certainly help them when there is a possibility. & # 39;

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