Hospital: "Consultation on Procurement Plans: MC Slotervaart Advances Well" Now


Medical specialists in the bankruptcy of MC Slotervaart in Amsterdam on Saturday consulted about plans for rescheduling the hospital. According to a spokesman for the hospital, the doctors asked the conservatives to "give an agreement with enthusiasm" to further develop the plan.

Administrators are in discussion with a consortium to acquire a substantial part of the project. care activities. This consortium includes a number of cardiac centers in the Netherlands (NCC). They want to take over real estate and part of the care.

Conservatives Marc van Zanten and Marlous de Groot will review the plans next week. There is no more "flatly" agreement on a go-around, but the Conservatives and the possible takeover party let them know that they were satisfied with the support of medical specialists . promised that the former owner Loek Winter will have no role. Winter was the owner of the hospital before his bankruptcy, but also owns some of the shares of CCN.

NCC is also one of the parties wishing to take over MC IJsselmeer hospitals.

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