Houses quickly become more expensive, prices increase in Friesland 2 percent – Frieze –


Owner-occupied homes in Friesland increased by almost 2% in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the previous quarter, according to regional land register figures. The price of new homes is not yet known for Friesland

Compared with last year, the average price of an existing house in Friesland rose from 199 018 euros in the first quarter 2017 to 210,998 in the first quarter of this year. Ten years ago, it was still 204,300 euros

Twice as high as the European average

The average price increase is almost twice as high as the average price trend in Europe. This is clear from the CBS New Housing Price Index for the Netherlands and the Land Registry. Taking into account inflation, the price of real estate according to Statistics Netherlands' price index is now almost as high for the Dutch as it was ten years ago. According to Statistics Netherlands, new homes in the Netherlands were 11.2% more expensive in the first quarter than in the previous year, while owner-occupied prices increased by 9% over the same period.

Your more expensive than it was three years ago

At the national level, new homes cost an average of one ton more than three years ago. The average price of a new house was in the first quarter of 2018 of more than 350 thousand euros. Figures for new houses in Friesland are not broken down.

In the first quarter of 2018, 58,256 homes were sold in the Netherlands. This represents a 7.1% decrease from the same period in 2017. The number of homes sold decreased by 6.8% and 9.4% respectively in owner-occupied dwellings and new construction. In Friesland, 1903 homes were sold in the first quarter, almost as much as in the first quarter of last year.

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