How should Welcome To The Village continue? – Frieze –


General Manager (or Commercial) Bianca Pander was in consultation with the municipality all day Friday to turn things around after the festival closed Thursday night due to the violation of "night value" in the noise standard. She does not come back, at least not as a director.

Te swier

Pander had already planned to leave: she is quite busy with her other job, as director of the Amsterdam BKB campaign agency. "I do not have oars or jard troch, mar this way," she says, referring to licensing issues with the municipality. Music programmers Peter Dijkstra and Peter Reen are also hooking up, but this is not directly related to this problem.

Pander and artistic director Sjoerd Bootsma emphasize that the relationship with the municipality is "excellent" is. Bootsma: ,, No nuisance is maintained now, but according to the paper standard. We understand very well that the municipality does it. They should not be at risk. They should have made sure that there was a better license. It did not work, so now we have to make the most of it. And this is going very well, "thanks to a program adjusted after the start of the" night value. "

New Environmental Permit

But if Welcome To The Village wants to attract visitors from outside of Friesland , a complete night program is essential … and it is not possible with these strictly enforced paper rules.The solution: back to the drawing board, a totally new environmental license.Pander: ,, Dy n & # 39; is not heeltp oanpast, dèrom chin Green Star Durable holes yn sjitte.Ber is not in ear design, the wy good nei sjen wy lizze ús fergunningsoanfraach derûnder, then chinne wy Fan it starts at sizze: it's the festival fan context, kin that jim context? Just like that, then this and that was ok. "

Bootsma:" We really had a wonderful festival. also to people … We have the best audience in the world, I'm emotional. very sweet comments. Can not you stop that? But it was not very fun for the organization. It's a shame that two people (Groene Ster Duurzaam, ed.) Can destroy that. Fortunately, we live in a constitutional state and they have that right. But it's not a game you can win. It's about people. Such a shame that you can not talk about it, that it must always go through the courts. "

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