Huawei Mate 20 Lite Review – Huawei's Good Initiative


Since the Huawei P20 came out, it's snowing to its brothers, the Mate 20 Lite and Pro, which is underneath. Some people miss these planes, but they are quite incomparable. In this Huawei Mate 20 Lite Review, you will learn more about this device with its qualities: large screen, high resolution and dual camera on both sides!

The Huawei Mate 20 Lite will amaze you with its value for money. Nevertheless, the phone ignores the attention of the P20 and the announcement of some new Huawei devices. Is it true that this phone is in the shadow of the P20? No. The smartphone is better than you think.

A long and thin model

Let's start by looking at what the phone looks like. The Huawei Mate 20 Lite is a pretty big phone. With a dimension of 153mm x 75.3mm and a thickness of 7.6mm, the device is quite long. Especially when the device is purchased in black (of the three colors available). Its long slender appearance owes the Mate 20 Lite the fact that there are no buttons or similar buttons on the front of the device.

At the back of the phone, two lenses protrude and a strange little circle is underneath. lenses. This trick is the fingerprint sensor, with which you can unlock your phone. As mentioned, there are no buttons on the front of the Huawei Mate 20 Lite that you can use to access the start screen or open the phone. For this you need to use the button located on the right side of the phone.

The model of the camera is unfortunately not waterproof and dustproof, because of the excellent lenses on the back. This makes the Mate 20 Lite a bit out of the ordinary with the rest of the devices these days. Because sealing is the thing of our time. But we are not talking about a flagship product of 1000 euros or more. This is a very powerful entry-level model from Huawei that you can already own for 380 euros. For this money, you have a lot, although it is not against the water.

  The Huawei Mate 20 Lite seen from the side

An ideal screen for videos

The Huawei Mate 20 Lite's screen is 6.3 inches, which is quite large. The pixel density of this screen is close to the impressive size of the screen (almost borderless) 409 dpi. That means you can get good, crisp images on this big screen. You will see it immediately when you turn on the device.

In addition, the screen of the Mate 20 Lite has a resolution of 2340×1080, which is excellent because it is very useful for watching videos. If you are often on the go and like to watch Full HD videos, it's a huge advantage of the Huawei Mate 20.

The Huawei Mate 20 Lite has a touch screen, like most smartphones Nowadays. Depending on the setting, the screen is very bright. Do not make the mistake of keeping the night light at its highest level because your eyes will not burn anymore.

On the front, behind the screen, a hidden lens that allows facial recognition offered by the camera. . During the tests, the device was often repaired, but when it worked, the process was rather fluid. In any case, it is much faster than entering a PIN every time. The fastest way to unlock however is to use the fingerprint scanner in the way back, but that's just what you find more enjoyable.

  Cameras in the Last Plan

Twice a Dual Camera

The hidden lens on the front of the Huawei Mate 20 Lite is not just for facial recognition. You can also make the coolest selfies with excellent quality. The camera is actually a dual camera with a resolution of 24 megapixels and 2 megapixels. Even if you are not good at taking selfies, these snapshots of yourself are almost always perfect.

On the back, a dual camera also shows. It has 20MP and 2MP lenses. The cameras on the Huawei Mate 20 Lite have a lot of functions in addition to a dual purpose. You can shoot normal videos in 1080p and 30fps, but taking photos is revolutionary on this device.

The Huawei Mate 20 Lite incorporates features such as a night camera, an artist mode, different filters and even the addition of a watermark. to your photos. The camera has built many standard functions where you normally have to download separate applications.

  The image of a Batman statue serving as a test of the phone's camera

No additional application needed for photo effects.

You can also take great pictures without all those extra gadgets and additions. Of course, it's nice to add an effect bokeh to your photos when using portrait mode. When using the camera, we quickly found that it was really cool to take pictures with these settings. The images we took were very crisp and the background is blurred beautifully.

If you want to take a normal picture without worrying, you can do it. The photos you take in this way are very beautiful thanks to the intelligent recognition of no less than 22 categories (from objects to scenes) and are very clear. The colors in the photos are incredibly beautiful and bright, which is a big plus. If you have a hobby to photograph, the Huawei Mate 20 Lite is definitely recommended.

 Huawei Camera Test

The Huawei Mate 20 Lite is a long and fairly fast watch

containing a Li-Ion battery. This battery contains more energy than other batteries, is better for the environment and lasts longer. In addition, the battery is 3750 mAh. which ensures that you do not have to be constantly at a point of sale. When the phone is fully charged, it will take a long time. The device offers you no less than 14 hours of talk time!

If you are not ready to call yet, you can also watch about 13 hours of video before the phone battery is empty. You do not have to worry about your long train journey with this phone, you can just watch Netflix without stress. If you still need movie tips at any time, you can read our special article on the best downloadable movies.

In addition, the Huawei Mate 20 Lite has 4 GB of RAM and a Kirin 710 processor. This speeds up the work of the phone and does not pick up at high loads. This is useful when you are running a lot of heavy applications on the device. With Elevator mode and intelligent network switching, the device always gives you the best network available. This is useful if you want to quickly find something on your phone and you do not feel like a thousand years to do when the 4G falls momentarily. call for a good price

The Huawei Mate 20 Lite looks like the umpteenth Huawei phone and not really special. Still, this phone is more special than it appears. The cameras are incredible, the phone has a beautiful image and the price itself can be done. You can buy the phone for around 380 euros and it is available in three different colors (silver, gold and black).

In summary, the Huawei Mate 20 Lite does not really present any drawbacks. The only drawback is that the lenses that come off so quickly are dusty and that the phone unfortunately does not resist dust. Despite this inconvenience, it is an excellent phone for a good price.

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