Hundreds of Belgians stuck in a stuffy train without air conditioning


This is pretty much the last thing you want with this hot weather: stuck in a train without air conditioning. For 200 to 300 Belgian train passengers, this Friday afternoon was the hard reality. With outside temperatures that, like us, exceed 35 degrees, passengers were stuck in a stuffy gap. And that for an hour

Blood sheet

A defective catenary was the cause of the delay, it happened in Diegem in the province of Flemish Brabant. It took about an hour before they could be evacuated. Nieuwsblad knows that several people were transported to the hospital because they were submerged by the heat.

Due to the very hot weather, a short circuit occurred in the overhead line of the runway. The train could no longer roll and the passengers had to wait until they could be evacuated. There were hundreds of travelers in the vehicle who, for understandable reasons, were absolutely unhappy with this situation, some of them showing their dissatisfaction on social media.

Water was provided, but it could not prevent some from suffering. Finally, it was decided to accompany the passengers on foot from the train and transfer them to a neighborhood hotel. According to a spokesperson of the Belgian Railways, they could continue their bus trip from here.

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