"Hundreds of Beneficiaries Hid Goods Abroad" Now


In recent years, hundreds of claimants have been sequestrated benefits from municipalities or the Social Insurance Bank (SVB), who had concealed the fact that they had equity abroad.

This includes the possession of houses. According to research carried out in the Nieuwsuur news program

concealed possession is around tens of millions of euros. In Turkey and Turkey, about 17 million euros of assets were discovered in 2016 and 2017. In addition to the AOW. 625 suspected cases have been reported.

In Morocco (154) and Suriname (130), capacity research has also been conducted in the last two years. It is not known how much money was found for hidden property in Morocco and Suriname

If the secret is discovered, the benefit can be removed and the amount paid incorrectly must be repaid. But it also turns out to be very difficult, reports Nieuwsuur

The people concerned mostly live in social security conditions, so that small monthly sums can be collected. This would be explained by the fact that it is difficult and complicated to sell a property

In 2016, the municipality of The Hague discovered at least 21 cases of allegedly hidden property. Nearly 200,000 euros were recovered from the people involved, but only 298 euros were reimbursed.

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