Hurricane Willa lands on the Mexican west coast


Hurricane Willa was shot dead Tuesday night on the west coast of Mexico. The AP News Agency

reports that, according to the US National Hurricane Center, the "life-threatening" storm has come down on the southwest coast of Mazatlan. Isla del Bosque square in the state of Sinaloa. Willa encountered an area of ​​fishing villages and farms. A group of islands off the coast, including a prison, was on the passage of the storm.

There were no direct reports of casualties or damage. The storm, which has weakened from category 5 to category 3 since Monday, has shifted inland at a speed of 17 kilometers to the hour. According to forecasts, the storm would calm down quickly over the earth.

In Mazatlan, a seaside resort of 500,000 residents, hotels and foreign tourists, people ventured out to watch the sunset as the hurricane approached. Many hotels and restaurants have been stranded due to warnings of storm damage and a dangerous spring tide. Big waves crashed on the boulevard under dark clouds.

Tuesday afternoon, the affected area was hit by heavy rains. Rescue teams evacuated more than 4,250 people to locations along the coast. 58 reception centers have been set up.

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