Identity Cards Are Increasingly Expensive and Water Commission Taxes Rise Now


Passports and identity cards are going to cost more and more in 2019. The water commission fee will also increase. The maximum price of passports increases by 6 euros. The tax on water also increases by 6 euros on average.

Municipalities can apply for a passport over € 71 for 2019, according to a list of fees for 2019 published Thursday by the Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens

. Now it's always over 51 euros. These prices apply to Dutch people aged 18 and over. The documents are valid for ten years.

Municipalities can set prices themselves. They can therefore be less than 71 or 57 euros.

The Council of Ministers still has to officially agree on the 2019 tariffs. But there is no more change to come. water treatment and system management represent an average of € 327 per family. This represents an increase of just under 2% over this year.

Rates may vary from one side to the other, as the areas have different landscape features. The water boards will announce the final rates in the coming weeks.

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