Last month's price cuts barely affected investor confidence. This is clear from the ING Investor Barometer of October
. The index decreased slightly from 137 to 132 points. A level of 100 is considered neutral in the barometer. The state of 132 shows that confidence in the stock market remains high.
According to the barometer, Brexit is considered the biggest threat to their investments, followed by the trade war between China and the United States. The situation in Italy is also a source of uncertainty
"People remain positive and I understand that basically there have been no major changes in economic terms lately", said Bob Homan, head of the ING investment office. "Things like Brexit and trade wars have been around for a while, it's not new."
World finances fell sharply last week, AEX closed Friday at its lowest point since June 2017. The show has closed 507.5 points In Amsterdam, the stock market has lost slightly less than 8% in October, while in other countries, such as France, it lost almost one-tenth of its value.
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