Interim Report The OIAC confirms the use of chlorine gas in Syria Duma | NOW


"Several chlorinated organic chemical substances were found in samples" taken by researchers at two locations in the Syrian city, reports the OPCW in a statement. Shortly after the attack, local health authorities reported that chlorine gas and sarin gas had been used in Duma, but the researchers found no trace of nerve gas.

Seven people were killed during the Duma attack on April 7th. The incident led to a series of military attacks against Syrian government targets by the United States, the United Kingdom and France. Syria and Russia claim that the attack in Duma never took place and that it was organized by Western intelligence agencies.

The OPCW has already identified the use of prohibited weapons in Syria, including sarin gas and mustard gas. The researchers arrived in Duma in mid-April after many delays. The chemical weapons watchdog does not make any statement on the issue of guilt in a chemical attack, but only examines whether such an attack took place and, if so, what weapons were used.

It is planned to expand the powers of the OPCW.

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