iOS Version 12 points to the iPad with Face ID | NOW


In the latest beta of iOS 12, iPad support for AvatarKit, discovered developer Steve Troughton-Smith . AvatarKit is the software behind Animoji and Memoji, the emoji that support the user's movements.

To record these movements, a TrueDepth camera is needed. This is the camera with depth sensor that is now only on the iPhone X. On this unit, TrueDepth is also used for face recognition.

With Face Recognition, users can unlock the iPhone X by keeping their faces in front of the device. Technology recognizes users despite the headwear and according to Apple is the successor of the fingerprint scanner

iPad with Face ID

Shortly after the start of sales of the iPhone X rumors on an iPad with Face ID. A new iPad Pro would take over the design of the iPhone X. This means thinner screen edges, a TrueDepth camera and no home button.

According to rumors, Apple is expected to offer three new iPhones by the end of the year. All three would be equipped with a TrueDepth camera and no home button. It would be a successor to the iPhone X, a Plus version with a larger screen and an even larger iPhone, but cheaper with an LCD.

This fall, iOS 12 will appear. This happens traditionally just after Apple announced its new iPhones. A public test version of iOS 12 is already downloadable, but it contains bugs and other disadvantages that need to be removed in the final stable release.

The new version of the operating system should make existing iPhones up to 40% faster. plus an improved version of Siri.

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