Italy wants to distribute 450 migrants quickly rescued in EU countries or to return NOW


The migrants were transferred Saturday morning to an Italian police ship and a ship Frontex, the EU agency that coordinates controls at the external borders of the European Union.

Eight women and children are, because of their state of health Coast Guard brought to the Italian island of Lampedusa

If the others can also go to Italy is not clear. According to a source in his Lega party, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said that migrants "can be immediately distributed among European countries, or even better be returned to Libya". Most migrants embark for Europe in Libya.

A third option would be to temporarily keep migrants on board ships while their asylum application is processed, according to the source.

Salvini will call the case over the phone. have discussed with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who is looking for countries ready to include migrants. In doing so, the Prime Minister would appeal to the agreement that the EU countries concluded last month at a summit on migration in Brussels


L & # 39; Italy initially refused that the ship be moored. Because the ship had already been in the waters of Malta, Rome felt that the refugees had to land there.

Malta stated that the ship was the responsibility of Italy. According to Malta, the crew said they wanted to go to Italy when they were contacted

"They wanted to go to Lampedusa," said the Maltese government in a statement. Italy and Malta have recently discussed berthing twice. with migrants

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