Jamai is quickly back in the tube


He shared the good news last Friday at the announcement of the new season The Voice of Holland. By urging everyone to watch, he let it be known that he would soon see the tube again. "I will communicate again with the show live!" Says Jamai.

Jamai would actually present the Beter Laat Dan Never travel program last summer. Olcay Gulsen took over the presentation stick from him. "Immediately after learning that I would replace him, he sent me a great message on Instagram," Olcay told RTL Boulevard last night. He also regularly contacted Olcay during the trip. "As far as I'm concerned, he's really a superhero and I'm glad he's back."

Last June, the singer announced that Ruud de Wild should undergo a kidney transplant shortly. "My kidneys are not working so well," he said frankly at the time. "This means that I will soon start dialysis and that I will enter the kidney transplant process."

The singer discovers the problems after a visit to the doctor. "I kept a little liquid inside." People said, "You have a big head." "But everything happened very quickly, my kidneys were so bad that I had to go straight to the hospital."

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