JAN LETTER – To Saskia Noort


  Dice toppers 2018

Dear Saskia,

Previously, things were different in the past

I remember that in 2005, as the editor of Metro Ebru, I was the first person to be in charge. had wanted to attract Umar as a successor to the Muslim terrorist. van Gogh

I sent an email to Ebru. I asked her if she wanted to take Theo's place. She invited me to have a coffee. We reached an agreement and November 2, 2005, exactly one year after the murder, his first time.

Here's how you save things today as the editor of a newspaper, After what I understood from his colleague Hans Nijenhuis ].

He had your last book, Stromboli (three stars). Bol.com), read.

And then?

When this: "It was after reading this intense, personal and yet recognizable book, that I posted to Saskia Noort, posted, re-sent by mail the knees went and begged to be editorialist with us. "they.

On his knees.


And apparently, you were finally ready to (I take after all the lick and drool of Hans Nijenhuis: against a price more than reasonable refund) the crowd that reads the weekly Algemeen Dagblad to tell what "information you touch"

Yesterday, I read for the first time your column .

I think men are not so cool. 19659003] Angry

In Pakistan, men are demanding the death penalty of a woman who has been acquitted of insulting Mohammed after eight years in prison. The men of Brazil sing the name of Bolsonaro, the right-wing extremist who was elected new president. Men in Tanzania announce a hunt for men on homosexuals.

It's happy, brambakker, because men can no longer be a man.

"The man feels seriously threatened around the world by the inevitable changes that are announced," you write.

And you conclude, "Even if they fight, all men are the same all over the world.The hateful imam is not so different from our own preachers of white hate."

And with these "preachers of white hate," you mean Jordan Peterson. And Robert Jensen

Because the Dutch White, according to you, listens to what Canadian academic Jordan Peterson has to say. And according to you, he's looking at Robert Jensen.

The tourniquet.

What can you then praise with joy with the new man of your life?


An empathic man.

A man who understands that if his wife dies of cancer, he can always make a woman very happy with her kwakkie

and then writes a bestseller after her death.

Your new man, except an angry white man

A man who, I think, fits you perfectly.




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