Japan executes remaining sarin attacks on cult members NOW


The sect was behind the attack with sarin nerve gas in the Tokyo subway in 1995, which caused thirteen deaths and more than 6,000 wounded. The six were put to death by hanging, informed the Japanese channel NHK.

In early July, Japan executed the leader of the sect, Shoko Asahara, and six other members. The remaining six members were still waiting for their verdict. This means that all thirteen members who were convicted in 2006 are now put to death.

In June 2012, the last suspect of the gas attack was arrested. With this arrest, seventeen years ended the hunt for people who, according to Japanese authorities, were responsible for the attack poisoned by saringas

Gas attack

During the gas attack of March 20, 1995 at several subway stations the spikes of umbrellas to sting sarin bags full of leak in five boxes underground. He caused a great panic in the Japanese capital.

Aum Shinrikyo also committed an attack with Sarin at Matsumoto (Central Japan) a year before the attack in Tokyo. Then eight people died. We did not know much about the motives of the attacks

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