Japan executes the former leader of the sect at the Tokyo gas attack NOW


Asahara, whose real name is Chizuo Matsumoto, is the first of thirteen cultists to be hanged. In June 2012, the last suspect of the gas attack was arrested. With this arrest, after 17 years, the hunt for people who, according to the Japanese investigating authorities, was responsible for the toxic attack with saringas.

They were all members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect, which means "supreme truth". The "messages of salvation" of Asahara were based on a mixture of Buddhism, Hinduism and apocalyptic warnings about the end of the world. He had developed an obsession for saringas and was constantly living with the fear that others would attack him. At the peak of its popularity, the sect had about 10,000 followers

During the 1995 gas attack on several subway stops in government buildings in Tokyo, thousands of people also fell ill. This caused a great panic in the Japanese capital.

Aum Shinrikyo also committed an attack with Sarin in Matsumoto (Central Japan) a year before the Tokyo bombing. Then eight people died. We did not know much about the motives of the attacks

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