JEFTA Trade Treaty EU – Japan: Japanese engines 8% cheaper – short, fast and up to date, always the latest news on engines


The commercial agreement concluded between Japan and Europe has important consequences for the manufacturers of motorcycles and their accessories. In the trade agreement, it was decided that Europe will levy up to 8 percent fewer import duties on engines imported from Japan and 3.7 percent less on imports from Japan. a large number of engine parts; the reduction of the tax on imports will be spread over the next five years. In addition, the Treaty simultaneously provides for simplified access to the Japanese market for European manufacturers, as the two markets adhere to the same international standards for product safety (ABS, etc.) and protection of the environment. environment (emission requirements). This means that European engines in the EU and Japan must comply with the same technical regulations and therefore no longer need to be built specifically for different markets. This has the added benefit that when exported to Japan European motorcycles do not have to be tested and certified again. While Japan is committed to complying with international vehicle standards, exports of cars from the EU to Japan are becoming much easier.

The agreement also includes an expedited dispute settlement mechanism between the two parties, specifically targeting motor vehicles. to this end, a working group on motor vehicles and spare parts is established under the supervision of the Committee on Trade in Goods.

The new treaty contrasts sharply with the trade war between Europe and the United States, making American motorcycles only 25% more expensive. In addition, this treaty will not apply in the United Kingdom as a result of Brexit.

  2018 Europe Japan trade agreement motorcycles

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