Jeroen Look in the Vegte: Never thought of combi with Jan-Willem


Jeroen Kijk in de Vegte says that he never thought of doing a show on Radio 2 with Jan-Willem Roodbeen, that's what the DJ De Stentor . "I was already Gerard Ekdom's regular replacement with Rob Stenders when he was on vacation.But I was surprised, because I had never thought about the combination with Jan-Willem." , says Jeroen, who recently joined Radio-2 in the morning with Jan-Willem

Jeroen: "I was wondering sincerely, what would be the strength of our cooperation?" But from the first moment, he clicks. listeners are positive, and that means something, because replacing Gerard Ekdom is one thing, so we're attracting the naughty shoes, the only thing that's right is the modesty and pride that the NPO gives us so much confidence. "


Jeroen says he's having a good time in the morning on Radio 2." It's striking, the reactions are up to now positive It's special, and if something changes on the radio, listeners find it difficult. They have come out of their daily rhythm. But until now we only have good reactions. Perhaps also because Jan Willem and I are not strangers to the listeners of Radio 2. "

Jeroen is not the main presenter but the program's acolyte, he calls" delicious " "As a partner, you can upset things a bit. If I think, now the program can use a little spice, so I fly in it. I often have to defend myself for my role, I understand it. This is the most natural perception you have made only when you create a program with your own name five days a week. But I do not think that is the greatest logic.

Pim Fortuyn

In conversation with Stentor Jeroen also discusses the murder of Pim Fortuyn Jeroen, then Ruud de Wild's acolyte, witnessed the Fortuyn murder at Hilversum Media Park The politician was shot at 3FM after the interview

"My parents came to pick me up in Hilversum after the murder. They found it irresponsible that I go home myself. In one way or another, having experienced something so intense has reinforced our bond. Since then, we call each other everyday. It may seem obsessive, but it is not what it does for us. We often talk about cows and calves, but we are happy to hear everyone's voice. "

Photo by Annemieke van der Togt | BNNVARA

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